Daily Life

Learn Italian in Trieste

As a first choice we suggest you contact your host organization. It may provide language courses for its international guests.

In Trieste you can refer to:

Centro linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) - University of Trieste organises paid Italian language courses provided a minimum number of registrations is reached.
For more information please contact: cla@units.it or click here.

Comitato territoriale Arci Trieste APS organises free Italian language courses at Biblioteca Quarantotti Gambini, in via delle Lodole 6. You can reach Biblioteca with bus 1 and 10 (Campo San Giacomo stop). Courses are usually held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7.00 to 8.30 pm. For more information: mobile Phone +39 339 8640417; e-mail: corsi.italiano.ts@gmail.com. The pre-registration is mandatory. 


SISSA Club organises Italian language courses (all levels) opened also to researchers and scientific staff of other Institutions. Courses could be online or live in SISSA. For more information: https://club.sissa.it/ 





Things to Know


C.P.I.A - Centro Provinciale Istruzione Adulti di Trieste organises Italian language courses, a very small fee is required.Courses start according to the number of participants. Secretary open hours (for information and to register). C.P.I.A. is located in via dell'Istria n. 45 (Bus 10 and 48)
From Monday to Friday 10.00 - 11.00 am
Monday and Wednesday 3.00-4.00 pm
C.P.I.A. italian language certificates are recognised for the Integration Agreement