Maternity benefits cover medical assistance, paid time off and cash benefits.
During pregnancy, female workers can benefit from medical assistance and prenatal care (e.g. specialist treatments, visits to prevent risks) provided free of charges by the Italian National Health Service (SSN). Paid time off (permessi retribuiti) for prenatal visits and scheduled check-ups are envisaged during working hours.
The Italian law provides paid compulsory period and optional suspension of working activity (astensione obbligatoria e facoltativa) by a working mother or father.
The compulsory abstention (astensione obbligatoria) is a full paid 5 months period (two months prior to the expected delivery date and ends three months after the actual delivery date).
The optional abstention (congedo parentale facoltativa) covers a period of 10 months to be claimed on a hourly or daily basis until child turns 6 years old. For these days off the wage is in the ammount of the 30%.
Parents (mother or father) are entitled to 5 days paid time off for their child’s illness (congedo malattia figlio), between the age of 3 and 8 in a year time. Under the age of 3 there are no limits of days off.