Daily Life

Udine transport system

Udine has an extensive transport lsystem that comprises more than 20 urban and suburban lines. It is managed by Arriva Udine

Click here to see the timetables (Key for Udine timetable: feriale means working days; festivo means Sundays and holidays; annuale means annual; estivo means summer schedule; invernale means winter schedule).

Where to buy tickets?
Tickets are not by the driver! You may buy them:

-at tobacconist's, bars, newsagents in the city. Click here to find the nearest point of sale

-at the automatic ticket machines

- online (you have first to create an account).  If you purchase a monthly, fortnight or annual ticket online you get a 5% discount.  

-by sending a SMS to 4850850 and writing UD for a one way ticket or UDG for a daily ticket (valid until midnight). You will receive a sms, keep it for all your travel. The ticket is paid with your phone credit. For now available only for Vodafone and Wind clients!

-by Tpl FVG App (available for Android and iOS). Electronic tickets must be validate in the bus by using the QR.

How much does it cost?

Fare varies depending on the distance and length of journey. If you take the bus only in the city of Udine (biglietti/abbonamenti urbani) prices are:

  • one way ticket (orario intera rete) €1.50;   
  • daily ticket (giornaliero rete) €3.35; 
  • ten routes ticket (pluricorsa) €13.50;
  • fortnightly ticket (Abbonamento quindicinale) €21.25 (1 line) or €24.80 (all bus lines); 
  • monthly ticket (Abbonamento mensile) €32 (1 line) or € 39.20 (all bus lines);
  • half-yearly ticket (Abbonamento semestrale) €160 (1 line) or € 196 (all bus lines);
  • yearly ticket (Abbonamento annuale) €320 (1 line) or €392 (all bus lines).


travel ID (tesserino identità) is mandatory along with travel cards (yearly, monthly or fortnightly). It is valid for 5 years.
You can get it online (it costs €5) OR for free at the ticket office of the bus station (in viale Europa Unita 37) by handing in:

  • copy of the tax identification number
  • copy of your ID card or passport
  • a passport photo size
  • form filled in 



Things to Know

Taxi service

Tel: +39 0432 503400

Radiotaxi C.A.P.U.
Tel: +39 0432 505858
Website: https://taxiudine.it/


Bus Discounts
Students, recently graduated students (within 18 months from the graduation) and incoming researchers or professors (for at least 10 months) might claim for a bus discount if applicable.

More info on ARDISS website