Entry & Stay

Where and how to apply

The request kit has to be sent at the Post office by taking the number at the ticket system. 

To fill out the forms, you can get assistance from a Patronato -Welfare agency. You may contact us for a list of Patronati providing assistance in English.

Which documents to be included?
The application must contain (copies):

  • Form 1 and 2 filled out (downolad the instructions);
  • valid passport;
  • valid residence permit;
  • tax identification number (codice fiscale);
  • pay slips for the current year and italian certificate attesting your income (CU, 730, etc.) that must be higher than the social allowance (assegno sociale);
  • criminal records (certificato del casellario giudiziale) and pending charges (certificato dei carichi pendenti) certificate, to be requested to the local Courthouse (Tribunale); N.B. If you apply at Questura of Trieste, these documents will be asked directly by Questura to the Courthouse, so the applicant doesn't have to include them in the kit.
  • proof of accommodation i.e. registered tenancy agreement, declaration of hospitality, property record, etc.
  • idoneità abitativa/suitability of accommodation certificate;
  • residence and family status self-certification;
  • certification attesting language proficiency or test exam;
  • revenue stamp of €16,00
  • copy of the postal giro slip of €130,46 (€30,46 permit fee + €100 administrative contribution)

For sending the kit you will be asked to pay additional €30 as postal fee.


Things to Know


Total cost €176,46:
-€16 revenue stamp
-€30,46 cost of the permit
-€100 administrative fee
-€30 postal fee

At the fingerprinting bring with you:

- 2 passport-size photographs on white background
- the communication stating the appointment at Questura
- your passport
- all the original documents included in the kit.