The request kit has to be sent at the Post office by taking the number at the ticket system.
To fill out the forms, you can get assistance from a Patronato -Welfare agency. You may contact us for a list of Patronati providing assistance in English.
Which documents to be included?
The application must contain (copies):
- Form 1 and 2 filled out (downolad the instructions);
- valid passport;
- valid residence permit;
- tax identification number (codice fiscale);
- pay slips for the current year and italian certificate attesting your income (CU, 730, etc.) that must be higher than the social allowance (assegno sociale);
- criminal records (certificato del casellario giudiziale) and pending charges (certificato dei carichi pendenti) certificate, to be requested to the local Courthouse (Tribunale); N.B. If you apply at Questura of Trieste, these documents will be asked directly by Questura to the Courthouse, so the applicant doesn't have to include them in the kit.
- proof of accommodation i.e. registered tenancy agreement, declaration of hospitality, property record, etc.
- idoneità abitativa/suitability of accommodation certificate;
- residence and family status self-certification;
- certification attesting language proficiency or test exam;
- revenue stamp of €16,00
- copy of the postal giro slip of €130,46 (€30,46 permit fee + €100 administrative contribution)
For sending the kit you will be asked to pay additional €30 as postal fee.