It is dedicated to Non Eu citizens, regularly living in Italy and holding a valid permit of stay of at least 12 months, who want their family member(s) to join them in Italy later on. Application can be made also while waiting for the permit of stay (first issue with a valid visa of 12 months duration or renewal).
Holders of a research permit are entitled to apply for family reunion regardless the duration of the permit (or the visa).
NEW RULE from December 2024: foreign nationals, except minor children under 18 and foreigners holding residence permits for international protection, can apply for family reunion only after completing at least two continuous years of legal residence in Italy. Prefettura in Trieste requires foreigners to be permanent resident in Italy from at least 2 years.
Who is eligible?
- spouse not legally separated of at least18 years old;
- children younger than 18;
- dependent children over 18;
- dependent parents of the applicant for family reunion, if the applicant is the only offspring.