Moving to Italy during your study/research in other EU country?

Do you know that ...

Intra EU mobility of researcher and students allowes Non EU citizens, holders of valid resident permit of stay for study or research issued by an Eu Member State, to come and stay in Italy for period of less than 180 days or for more than 180 days (and for max 360 days), to study or carry our research without an entry visa provided that the period in Italy was originally included in the study programme (i.e. EU mobility programs) or in the research hosting agreement.

Are you going to stay less than 180 days?
Holders of a study permit of stay must submit a "declaration of presence" at the local Police headquarter (Questura). No other formalities should be asked.

Holders of a research permit of stay must submit a "declaration of presence" at the local Police headquarter (Questura) whereas their hosting organisation must submit  a communication (Comunicazione FC) to the local SUI. 


What about formalities for more 180 days?
Holders of a research permit of stay must request  a permit of stay as  "mobilità-ricercatore" once in Italy by 8 days from the entry date to the local Policeheadquarter/Questura. Please contact and refer to your hosting oganisation in Italy at least 3 months in advance in order to sign an hosting agreement and get the nulla osta (entry clereance). 

Holders of a study permit of stay must request a permit of stay for study once in Italy by 8 days from the entry date to the local Poliche headquarter /Questura. 


Before coming to Italy, please make sure that you have a place to stay and a valid health insurance to cover you when living in Italy. A proof  should be submitted to the local Police headquarter. 


For more info please contact your hosting organisation in Italy well in advance before the departure. 


For information about permit of stays please visit this webpage






Photo source: Pixabay