A success story from the REBECA Mentoring programme

REBECA Mentoring programme aimed at early stage researchers interested in learning about professional alternatives beyond academia. Promoted within EURAXESS TOP IV project and managed by FECYT, it lasted 6 months and included online training activities and meetings with high skilled professionals.  The pilot programme took place in 5 countries including Italy, which has been managed by Area Science Park.


Below a success story from a mentee who participated in the Italian pilot programme and who moved in the private sector.


Why did you apply for the mentoring programme?  

I had the aim to learn more about the “industry world” and about how to highlight my skills and competences in a job interview. REBECA’S programme was a valuable opportunity to explore new career options having the support from a highly skilled professional with experience working in the industry.


What did you learn most during the 6-months programme?

I learned to create a more integral professional profile including all my strengths. Before starting the programme my CV was only focus on my formal education. After all, I discovered that I had much more to give and it has equal or more important value to find a job in the industry.

I got insights about how a company works and how dynamic and important is to be part of a working team to achieve common objectives. During the mentoring period I applied for a job in industry and I got tremendous support from my mentor who guided me during the whole recruitment process and helped me with the improvement of my CV and confidence to attend interviews.


How will you use what learned during the programme for your professional career?

I am putting in practice all what I have learned when I am attending meetings, solving problems, taking responsibilities, and importantly managing time between experimental work with formal meetings and interaction with other members of the team.


What is the main goal you reached thanks to this programme?

I got a new job in the industry as a postdoctoral scientist. It was a great challenge that I did not take alone because I had a wonderful support from my mentor who guided in each step.


For more information on the italian programme: mobility@areasciencepark.it

General information on REBECA