Holders of a research permit (permesso per ricerca) who completed their research activities and holders of a study permit (permesso per studio) who achieved in Italy:
- Higher Technician Diploma (diploma di tecnico superiore)
- Academic diploma of first or second level (diploma accademico di primo o secondo livello)
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (Laurea triennale o specialistica)
- Postgraduate training of first or second level (Master di primo o secondo livello)
- PhD
issued by an Italian institution/university are entitled to apply for a permit of stay for seeking employment (Permesso per ricerca lavoro) at the end of the research project or study path or when the current permit of stay for research or for study expires.
This entitles to keep staying in Italy from 9-12 months for seeking a job.
The application is made by sending the immigration kit (Mod 209, Forms 1 and 2 plus the additional papers) by post at the local Questura.