Entry & Stay

Seeking employment permit

Permesso per ricerca lavoro

Holders of a research permit (permesso per ricerca) who completed their research activities and holders of a study permit (permesso per studio) who achieved in Italy:

  • Higher Technician Diploma (diploma di tecnico superiore)
  • Academic diploma of first or second level (diploma accademico di primo o secondo livello)
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (Laurea triennale o specialistica)
  • Postgraduate training of first or second level (Master di primo o secondo livello)
  • PhD

issued by an Italian institution/university are entitled to apply for a permit of stay for seeking employment (Permesso per ricerca lavoro) at the end of the research project or study path or when the current permit of stay for research or for study expires. 

This entitles to keep staying in Italy from 9-12 months for seeking a job.   


The application is made by sending the immigration kit (Mod 209, Forms 1 and 2 plus the additional papers) by post at the local Questura. 


Which documents are required?

  1. Mod 209 Form 1 and Form 2 (downolad the instructions)
  2. A revenue stamp (marca da bollo) of €16.00
  3. Copy of the passport (pages with personal data)
  4. Self declaration that you registered at the local Job Center along with the pdf document of the registration made online.
  5. Copy of the academic certificate for students / for researchers, copy of a document stating that they have completed their research activities. These documents can be provided also within 60 days from the day of the application
  6. Proof of sufficient means of subsistence, e.g. an income not lower than the annual Italian social allowance (€6.947,33 for 2024)
  7. Copy of the insurance policy valid for Italy which covers you in case of illness and injury for the entire period of validity of the permit of stay or registration at the National Health System 
  8. Copy of the Italian tax identification number (codice fiscale
  9. Receipt of the postal giro slip for the payment of €30.46 (plus the administrative contribution of €40, to be paid in the same postal giro slip)
  10. Proof of accommodation (i.e tenancy agreement, declaration of hospitality, etc.) 
  11. Copy of cessione fabbricato (ask landlord)

Things to know

28 RICERCATORE - RICERCA LAVORO (for researchers)
30 STUDENTE - RICERCA LAVORO (for students)


Before applying you must register at the local Job Centre (Centro per l'Impiego) to get the unemployment certificate (iscrizione alle liste di collocamento).
Contact the local Job centre for an appointment to get support. After registering, you will be asked to do a  seeking job interview. 


N.B. If you have been offered a job, during unemployment period, you are allowed to work with a seeking employment permit. The unemployment period will be suspended for the duration of the contract (short term contract).

Please inform the Job Centre about any interruption you may have due to work contract.