Tax identification number (codice fiscale) is a unique 16-character alphanumeric code which identifies a citizen's personal data.
E.g. this is the tax identification number of Mr Mario Rossi born in 1998: RSSMRA98S08H501H
It is required in Italy for all sort of procedures, e.g. opening a bank account, applying for the national health service, renting a flat etc.
It is valid only when issued and certified by Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Inland Revenue) and does not expire. If you have already lived, worked or studied in Italy you should have already received it!
How much does it cost?
It is free of charge.
Where to apply and what to bring?
The application must be made to Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Inland Revenue) by filling out this form.
See Instruction guidelines.
Documentation required:
- Eu citizens must show a valid Passport or another ID document (for verification).
- Non Eu citizens must show a valid Passport and Visa (for verification), Copy of passport (with the personal data and copy of the visa).
How to apply?
Application form along with the documents required can be sent by email or handed in directly to Agenzia Entrate. Please visit the webpage Addresses.