Daily Life

SPID - Public Digital Identity System

SPID - Public Digital Identity System facilitate and allows you to access on-line services of local and central public administrations.

It can be used to get certificates, to access your electronic health record, to make healthcare reservation within the National Healthcare system – SSN or change your general practitioner or your kids’ pediatric, to pay school fees or make school enrollment, to get your INPS pension record or applying for family benefits, etc.

It is made by a username and a password (SPID credentials). There are 3 security levels to choose which may require further security system beside SPID credentials. 

Three security levels are:

  1. the first level allows access to basic online services (you need only your SPID credential username and password).
  2. the second level allows access to online services that required an higher level of security (you need your SPID credentials along with a temporary OTP (one time password) access code or with an app supplied by the identity manager provider.
  3. the third level provides, in addition to the SPID credentials, the use of additional security solutions and any physical devices (e.g. smart cards) that are supplied by the identity manager provider.


Are you a Eu or Non Eu citizen currently living in Italy and you need to have SPID?

The basic requirements are:


Which documents do you need to get SPID?  

  • valid Italian document (Identity Card, driving license, passport);
  • your heath card (Tessera Sanitaria) or tax identification number;
  • your email and mobile phone number.

How to create a SPID?

  1. you should select an authorized identity provider;
  2. register on the website of the provider chosen;
  3. enter your personal data;
  4. create your SPID credentials (username and password);
  5. carry out the recognition by:
    • in person; OR
    • via webcam; OR
    • audio-video by bank transfer; OR
    • CIE (Carta d'Identità Elettronica), CNS (Carta Nazionale dei Servizi) or digital signature.

How long does it take?
It can be issued right after the process, in a couple of hours, or more. It depends on the provider. 

For more information please visit https://www.spid.gov.it/en/


Things to Know

It is possible to have more than one SPID with different security level provided that they are issued by different identity manager providers.

It is provided for free or by paying a fee depending on the identity manager providers and on the  security level you choose (in general level 1 and 2 are provided for free).

Check the list of digital identity providers authorized by AgID – Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale at this link 

The use of SPID is free of charges.