It is a permanent residence permit for foreigners who have been living in Italy for at least five years and meet the requirements below listed. This permit grants similar rights as EU citizens.
The 5-years stay requirement must have been already met when applying for this permit.
Permit of stay for study period are now calculated by Questura di Trieste (Police headquarter) as 100% of their full period, and not as 50% as in the past.
Who can apply and who cannot?
NON EU citizens can apply if they:
- hold a valid residence permit (EU Blu Card also)
- have an income not lower than the annual social allowance (assegno sociale)
- have at least 6-months work contract validity
- show copies of the last pay slips for the current year and a certificate attesting your income (CU, 730, or other documentations issued by an Italian organisation/institution/etc.) of the previous year that must be higher than the social allowance (assegno sociale);
- have been legally and continuously living in Italy for at least five years. During the 5-years period you should not have been out of Italy for more than 6 months (continuously) and the periods you have been out of Italy (days, weeks, months) in the last 5 years should not exceed 10 months. Compulsory military service, recorded serious health problems are not considered.
- have an Italian language proficiency. A level A2 is asked (ref. Common European Framework for Language). A language test is required. Contact the local Prefettura for more information about exam session.
Family members who have been legally living with you for a continuous period of 5 years are entitled to apply for EU long-term residence permit.