Entry & Stay

Family Residence permit

Permesso di soggiorno per famiglia

It applies to Non Eu family members of Non Eu citizen.

Non Eu citizen, regularly living in Italy and holding a valid permit of stay of 12 months, are allowed to apply for a family permit of stay for her/his family member(s).

Attention: Holders of a research residence permit are entitled to apply regardless the duration of the research permit.

Who is eligible?

  • spouse not legally separated of at least18 years old;
  • children younger than 18;
  • dependent children over 18;
  • dependent parents of the applicant for family reunion, if the applicant is the only offspring.

It will be issued according to the duration of applicant’s residence permit.


For information about resident permit for minors within family reunification please visit the dedicated webpage

In order to get the permit of stay for family, you need first the nulla osta/entry clereance for family to be requested to the local Prefettura through  Family reunification online procedure (please read here to get more info).

How to apply?
When family members have been arrived in Italy (with a Visa for famiy), within 8 days, they must register at the Sportello unico Immigrazione at the local Prefettura to collect the request kit for family residence permit already filled out, Italian tax code (codice fiscale) and original copy of nulla osta/entry clereance.
Take with you a revenue stamp €16,00 for each request for residence permit, originals and copies of the family members’ passport.
Afterwards, the application, along with the additional documents (see below), must be sent at the Post office.

What documents are required for first  application/renewal?
In the request kit to be sent at the Post office please add copies of:  

  • Copy of the visa
  • Copy of the family member passport (ONLY pages with personal details, visa)
  • Copy of the nulla osta/ entry clereance
  • Copy of the residence permit (or the application' receipt of the post office) of the family member you want to join (the same person that has applied for your nulla osta/ entry clereance)
  • postal giro slip of €40/50/100 depending on the duration of the permit
  • a revenue stamp (marca da bollo) of 16€
  • (for renewal only) documents that prove the family income (CU or modello UNICO)
  • (for renewal only) if you have changed the address, copy of the registered rent contract and copy of the property disposal form
  • (for renewal only) self declaration "Dichiarazione di mantenimento e abituale dimora" to be signed by the worker spouse. 

For sending the kit you will be asked to pay additional €30 as postal fee.

Things to know



It must be requested WITHIN 8 DAYS from the arrival in Italy at the local Sportello Unico Immigrazione - SUI. If the family member has entered Italy with a Visa for family.

Residence permit renewal
should be made starting from 60 days before the expiry date.

Non EU family members who apply for family reunion/hold a family permit of stay are entitled to register with the Italian National Health System for free or by paying an annual fee. Click here for more info.